Marbling Paper

Alright guys, as you know I’m an art teacher. So one of the projects I shared with my kids this semester is marbling paper! I never did this as a kid growing up, but it is super fun and the results are so cool! During this weird time of Coronavirus, you can marble some fun notes to send to pals! You only need just a few supplies and it truly is something to marble at!



  • Liquid Food Coloring

  • Shaving Cream

  • Stirring Stick

  • Shallow Pan (like a pie pan)

  • A scraper of some sort (even a piece o cardboard)

STEP 1: Pour shaving cream in your pan

It doesn’t matter too much what kind of shaving cream, just make sure to spread it all around your pan.


STEP 2: Drip food coloring on the shaving cream

It doesn’t matter if you really pour these in any particular pattern, as we will be stirring it next. Try to space out the different colors for the best effect.


STEP 3: Mix it together!

This is where your creativy comes in! Mix those drops together to make a fun pattern!


STEP 4: Dip your paper in

Make sure to dip it so it is fully immersed/touching the shaving cream. You don’t need to push it down in too much, but just make sure it makes contact with the surface of the shaving cream. You also don’t need to leave it in there too long. I held it for just a few seconds and then pulled it up.

STEP 5: Pull your paper out and scrape off the excess shaving cream

Carefully pull out your paper and then use whatever scrape you have to scrape of the shaving cream. You should have a cool design left underneath!

Marble Paper DIY
Marble Paper

Let's be kids.


Mixed Berry Scones