Let's be kids.


Are you a gardener? If you know me and my husband, we lovvveee being outside and we love gardening. Not only is it awesome to just have to walk out back to grab some veggies for dinner, but there is also something truly cathartic to it. Relaxing. Soothing. Calming.

I had a friend post the other day about how gardening is essentially adult playing in the sand… and I was like, man… She’s totally right.

I believe there is something to getting your hands in the dirt. To feeling it, molding it, forming it, and really playing with it! As silly as it sounds, it’s honestly like an adult in a sandbox. And here is my bigger point: I think it not only is kind of fun to be like a kid in a sandbox, but as I’ve thought about it, I feel like we kind of almost need to do that.

In this time of stress and just A LOT right now, I wanted to kind of pose a fun challenge for you during this time. I want you to find an activity that makes you feel like a kid. Something where you are getting your hands dirty, where you are diving in to an activity you haven’t done in awhile. Whether it is painting, gardening, baking, sewing, woodworking, coloring, legos, clay, or playing in the sand - I want you to come up with something out of the ordinary. Is there anything you loved as a kid and just, for whatever reason, haven’t done since you were young? Well guess what endeavorers - now is the time!

My “activity”

So I decided I wanted to implement this myself. (If I’m challenging you all to do it - I want to practice what I preach!)

I personally lovvved art when I was young, and I actually still practice that a lot. However, I haven’t done much acrylic painting since highschool. I just didn’t think it was my forte, so I haven’t pursued it much. However, as I thought about it, I was like: why didn’t I pursue it more? I think I honestly didn’t do it much because no one really told me I was good at it. I thought it was “other people’s” thing, so I shouldn’t try it. But this month I bought a few acrylic paints and a canvas and I’m obsessed. Oh my goodness, it is honestly freeing. It is like I’m transported to another world. I’m doing something, just for fun! For no particular reason. Not because anyone said I’m good at it, but just because I enjoy it. Maybe it is because I’m always trying to accomplish something that this was mind blowing to me.

I’m going to try to paint weekly (and I think I might actually try doing it live!) just to take time during this busy season to rest and do something I love.

Be a kid again.

Like I said, I truly think there is something to going back to being a kid. I mean, have you talked to a toddler? Stress is really not on their radar. Maybe they’re on to something.

With just a lot of the feels in this season I want you to choose a fun activity. Something that you can get your hands dirty doing it. Something you physically do, and that is filled with childlike joy! Whether it is legos or painting, or gardening… find something that truly just brings you joy. Let’s be kids again.


Trey & Emily


Marbling Paper