FREE Background - April

As I’ve been reading through Matthew, I’ve been reminded about how much God talks about our desires and where we invest our times, talents, and treasures. As I’ve been reading through Exodus at the same time, I’ve been reminded about how God gives us bread for today. Jesus sent out his disciples with only a bag at times!

I’ve been challenged this month to remember where God tells us to find our identity. It isn’t in a perfect house, car, or lifestyle. As Jesus reminds us in this same chapter, Matthew 6, it isn’t the clothes we wear or the food we eat either. We can’t serve two masters. We are called to give our all to God! That means in how we use our time, how we use our money, and how we use our choices. This can be super counter cultural to what society communicates to us.

I hope this April you can be challenged to identify where your heart is at. Let these backgrounds be a daily prompt to as yourself, “Who am I serving?”.

I pray it can be in the sweet rest and peace we find in relationship with God.

Hold down the photo and select “save image”. Then, set it as your background.


Spring Decor


So, what do you do?