DIY: Porch Chair Makeover


Spray Paint Chair





  • 3 cans of outdoor spray paint of your choice of color

  • Cushions ( I bought mine in the kitchen section of Walmart for $5 each)

  • Small Cup to mix paint in for smaller details.

  • Small Brush to paint on smaller details



I bought This Spray Paint at Menards and liked the color. It is best to get outdoor paint to make sure it sticks to the materials and lasts!

SprayPaint Chair DIY


These are the cushions I bought to fit our chair for this specific DIY. They were $5 at Walmart each - and again… I wanted to just make a cheap adjustment to get rid of the pink fuffy cushions on the chair! However, after a few weeks though- I do have to say that they have lost their color and worn quite a bit. So they make for a great quick fix but they aren’t great for outdoor use. If you are wanting a more permanent/long lasting refined look I definitely would encourage you to invest in some nicer cushions. We actually bought these from Kohls for our back patio and those have been amazing. So up to you on how much you want to spend and how well you want them to last!


Spray Paint outdoor Chair DIY



When we moved into our house the previous owners left these two white wicker chairs. They were fine, but I just wanted a different style. If you haven’t looked into porch furniture lately… its expensive. So I wanted to try this little DIY and see if it would work and it turned out pretty well! The whole project cost about $20 with the cushions which was much cheaper than looking for new furniture.

  1. First you want to move the chairs to a place where you spray paint. Our grass is super long so I actually just did it on top of our grass.

  2. Spray paint the first layer making sure to get all angles. It helps to step back and see where it looks splotchy.

  3. Let it dry for the first layer.

  4. After the first layer is dry then you can go over those spots you missed and do the second layer.

  5. Once the second layer is dry you can paint the smaller portions (the place on the chair where it waste hard to spray paint) by paintbrush.

    1. You can create this paint by spraying the spray paint into a container and adding water .

  6. Add the cushions and voila! A new chair for a much cheaper price.



Spray Paint Chair DIY

Need to fill in those little spots you missed?

I filled a cup with a LITTLE bit of water and sprayed some spray paint in there to make an actual paint consistency I could use to paint on the chair with a brush.



My results

Okay, as I always am on my blog - I’m giving real results! I did this pretty quick so it turned out okay. The chairs we had were free so I didn’t love the shape in the first place, but I have to say I loved how they turned out. Our porch is all white and so the weird-cream color of the chairs just blended in. These definitely made more of a statement! My encouragement would be to really take your time and be patient with it. It overall was a really fun DIY for a cheap price that made a huge difference!

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Ways to hang your prints!


Abode: Fall Decor