
Recently we have been being more intentional in creating a space for hospitality. My in-laws do this really well, and have been really helpful in making suggestions!

Guest Book

My in-laws encouraged me to have a guest book of sorts, and have people write down who visits. Over time, it has been really fun to see all the people that have stayed over and where they have come from. From other countries, to other states, it is cool to see all of the places represented.


I always try to have tissues around, as they may have allergies or need them for a cold.


Hooks are great to have on the back of the door or in the room. From coats, to formal clothing, to towels, these are essentials to have space for the guests to store their things!


I always try to be aware that a guest may used to a very different temperature than I am! I try to have a fan or a heater/extra blankets available for the different times of the year.

Extra Toiletries

I try to have some extra toiletries available like cutips, deoderant, tooth paste, and floss.

Phone Charger

I try to have phone chargers available, for both sides of the bed. I know I tend to forget mine, and this helps prevents guests having to find an outlet.


  • Tissues

  • Mirror

  • Towels

  • Place to hang coat

  • Guest book

  • Toiletries

  • Phone Chargers


FREE Phone Wallpaper- April


My favorite gym shoes