Do something out of the ordinary, or... don't! (Plus - FREE Backgrounds!)

I was talking with someone last week about this weird season we are in. Where everyone is online, and everyone is revising their systems, scrolling through instagram hourly, and doing any DIY they can. From the way we organize our homes, to the way we parent, to the way we connect with friends - everything feels overwhelming and suddenly on the forefront of our minds.

I think, depending on your personality, this time can seem like an amazing opportunity to rest. Days off? Working at home? Hello sweatpants!

But, if you are like me it may feel less like a restful season and instead like a time to jump to hyperspeed situation.

So I wanted to jump on here to let you know - from little old me - it is okay. Whatever you are doing in this time is OKAY. You published a bunch of blog posts, you worked longer hours, you cleaned your entire house, and you finished 12 projects? Shout out to you. BUT if you watched Tiger King, you took a good nap, you let the dishes sit in the sink for a couple of days, and you just took a walk…. that is okay too.

With increased social media usage, it seems like we can even more easily see what other people are doing in this season. What other parents, other churches, and other organizations are up to. We can be tempted to say, “Man, I am not as together as that family!” or feel like we are falling behind. We begin to compare ourselves to standards that aren’t true to who we are.

I think COVID is an amazing time to help us all take a moment and step back and re-evaluate. It makes you think about habits, patterns, and maybe even thought processes you didn’t even realize were happening.

My challenge is to let those new ideas, those observations, soak in. Let that be enough.

Every person is going to handle this all differently, and the reality is… that is okay. However you are handling it - let it be your own standards.

How do we practice this? One thing I want to suggest is this. Grab a paper (if you know me, I love journaling) and write down some answers to these questions:

  1. When you look back at COVID19, what do you want to say you did during that time?

  2. What activities truly bring you energy and jOY?

  3. What is one thing you want to try in this unique season of weird circumstances?

  4. How do you feel right now?

I have a tendency that when I have just so many things on my mind, so many things I want to do, and so many new elements…. I get in this mental paralysis. Like, I literally can’t take a step forward. I can’t do anything. I feel so overwhelmed to do everything… I end up doing nothing. My hope is that writing down some of those tangible ideas might help you have vision for this weird season. To take a step even when it feels overwhelming.

More than anything I hope you can take a little moment after reading this blog to find joy- and breathe. (Sometimes I feel like I forget to do that.). I want you to know that I’m here with you and everyone is having just a weirrrddd time during this situation.

Be reminded to day that it is okay. Whatever you are doing is okay. Have grace for yourself. Everything is weird and there is just A LOT right now. Just A LOT. Breathe, make your list, and just take it one step at a time. Feel free to do something out of the ordinary! Something amazing during this time. Or, don’t! Both are totally o.k.a.y.

Love ya’ll,

Signature Full.png

P.S. Because I love you and want you to be reminded of the grace God has for us -here are some free little backgrounds:

Either right click to save, or if on your phone - hold down on image and save

Background 5.png
Background 3.png


A Coronavirus Easter.


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