Beauty Products

I always think it is so fun to learn a bit about what products other people use and what works best for them! I find myself wandering down isles in the store so overwhelmed by the options that the beauty industry puts out, and not wanting to spend a lot of money to figure out what actually works! So, today I just am sharing a fun (kind of random) little blog with products I’ve come to love!



  • Wet Brush: 
    • I swear by the Wet brushes. They are life saving! My hair gets tangled so easily, and these really have made a huge difference.

  • Hair ties
    • I use a variety of brands for hair ties, but I have noticed that the material makes a huge difference. To avoid that “ponytail dent” I try to use a softer hair band.

  • Kristen Ess Texture Spray
    • I love using this when I curl my hair to give it some extra volume.


  • Simple Face Wipes
    • These wipes were one of the few that I’ve found that doesn’t make my face feel all oily or wet after using them! They are my absolute favorite.

  • Covergirl Lashblast Mascara
    • If you ever see me wearing makeup, it is probably this! I think mascara is a simple way to make a big difference in the look!

  • Chapstick
    • I don’t necessarily have a favorite, but this brand is cheap and I think it works well

  • Eyelash Curler
    • Candidly, I really only use this on special occasions or when I feel like it! But I think it is the scariest looking beauty product!

  • Eye Cream
    • I’m not sure how well this actually works, but I think it has helped especially on those days when I’m really tired!

With all these products, I also wanted to share a book I recently read, and absolutely loved. Beauty Sick is an amazing book that puts to name a lot that I had been feeling and situations I’ve experienced. It discusses about how to talk about body image, and I just cannot recommend it enough!

** Some of these contain affiliate links and purchasing through me helps support my blog. (but I only post what I like!) Thanks for your support!



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